Sunday 23 November 2008

High Blood Pressure

Semalam pas balik keje, jiran aku dtg umah. Suami isteri dtg nak mintak tolong suh aku checkkan tekanan darah diorg. So aku pun tolong arr checkkan, nasib baik akak aku ada mesin check tekanan darah tu , dpt masa lucky draw. So check punya check, tekanan darah makcik tu seems to be normal, so okla kan. Pastu aku check yg pakcik tu pulak, skali tinggi da 187!! wa tingginye...sian lak aku tgk. Pastu da tanggung2 tu aku suh mak aku check tekanan darah dia lak, coz last checked was about 182 tinggi jugak tu huhuh... Pastu pas check , kitorg seme terkezut, skali 219 da makin naik lak...mak aii gile tinggi !!!! Risau aku :( ...suh g klinik/spital mak aku x nak!! Camne la nak bg rendahkan tekanan darah ekk... da macam2 minum. Bila tanya mak aku, rupanya smlm dia minum kopi 3 kali.. Wa!!! mana x bahye!! So pasni aku and adik2 aku suh mak aku stop terus jgn minum kopi and please jaga makan...that was really bad man! Kalo x jaga makan can make her become strok!! Aku x sanggup. Nasib baik ayah aku nye tekanan darah x tinggi sgt. Alhamdulillah ... Ya Allah ko panjangkan la umur parents ku.. Berilah mereka kesihatan yg utuh. Amin


Tadi aku terjumpa satu site nie cite pasal high blood pressure. Dia ckp kalo normal 120/80.

"Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or below. I'm often asked, "What is a normal blood pressure for my age?" The answer is much simpler than most people realize: Less than 120/80. While it's true that blood pressure tends to rise with age, that's no reason to feel complacent: Such a rise will always carry with it an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and other complications of high blood pressure (hypertension)."

Click Here for more info . Enjoy!

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