Thursday 11 December 2008

My niece yg nakal!! :P

Yahoo, my niece is almost 1 year by next year ;). She is the first niece in our family. We called her with a short and nice name "ELIN". Now she is getting grower and learned a lot of things, she able to call me as 'tie' instead on auntie, 'tok' and 'nek' instead of atok and nenek, 'pa' and 'ma' instead of papa and she had learned so fast. At the moment she only can lie prone but trying and turning to walk instead of crawling. She dont want to crawl but wanted us to hold her and assist her to walk.

Recently, she likes to do something one kind of her favourite so-called "jln2". She will hold one small ball and will hurl it and will insist to take it back. In the same time, she will try to stand up and trying to pick up that ball with our assistances. So we need to hold, help her to walk until she picked up the ball or else, she will cry! HUH! She will repeat it again and again until she get tired. So because of that, my brother and my sister in law always informing us of their back soreness. What a spoilt niece :P.

Apart from that, she will always get easily sulk. If she unable to get something that she wanted, she will sceaming like what and crying until her parents will get panic! Very tactical child! Even cannot touch the things that she hold. Now adays, children's thinking is really superb!

Look at her picture, took while she was sleeping..hehe. Wat ever mood you have kid, I still love you... muah muah ELIN :X


angelyee said...

Eh.. Cute-nya ur niece..Bila Zah nak produce one??

Zah said...

hahaha....produce one ?? dont know when..huhuh. nway thanks ;)